Successful performance of the duo “Baccara” had a great show in Riga.

Successful performance of the duo “Baccara” had a great show in Riga.

The duo Baccara presented a unique and vibrant show at the Nostalgia Festival 2023 held in Riga, the European capital of Latvia.

Baccara returned to dance and reconnect with their loyal audience who sang along and gave a standing ovation to artists Cristina and Helen for their vibrant show.

Successful performance of the duo "Baccara" had a great show in Riga.

They sang their emblematic hits, going from their first big hit to their new songs, without a doubt the music of the eighties has been felt as part of the vital system of music and the public has been able to connect with it.

Baccara through different shows presented this year have been singing their new songs and the public has accompanied them in each one of them, making Baccara’s music feel more alive than ever.

- Publicidade -

The duo continues to prepare to continue delighting the public, with a series of presentations that are mentioned in their social networks and anticipating that very soon will come new music, vibrant, powerful and fusion of new and mythical sounds.

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